The Truth

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November 7, 2010

I have been on a journey of awakening and have discovered the truth for me.


The following scripture is from the English Standard Version of the Bible:

The Truth Will Set You Free – John 8:31f

31So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 33They answered him, “We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, ‘You will become free’?”


There are times in our lives when we are prisoners and don’t even realize it – we allow ourselves to be enslaved.  I have been in a prison of my own choosing for quite some time.  As I have been on this spiritual journey I could not see the truth and I was not free.

When I was growing up I would spend time talking with God – I clearly remember standing on a fence at my Grandparents farm looking in the woods and talking with God.  I may have been 10 or 12, I don’t recall.  I was very happy and peaceful, my life was magical in every way.  As I grew older I spent less and less time talking with God.  Most of the time I was just living in survival mode not seeing what was missing in my life.

Driving down the road recently I asked God to be more involved in my life (as if he had gone anywhere – LOL). “Dear Lord I am hoping that you might make this simple and I won’t have to go through something dreadful to be closer to you, please. Amen” It is humbling to realize that my creator is always in my life, everywhere, in every way, all the time…

I stopped thinking that I had all the answers and that I even needed to.  I started relying on God for answers and what showed up was this never-ending path of events and things that came my way before I even knew I needed it.  Anything that was required for me was given to me before I knew why.

One of the most valuable lessons I learned is this, the TRUTH will set you free.  Here is a great example of that: I have been working on a new project, it is rather large and has consumed my time almost exclusively for the last two months. To the point that I stopped looking for any new clients to build websites or do publishing or anything that I usually do to make money.  I really was not paying much attention to the fact that I didn’t have any money coming in (silly, right?).  My accounts receivable dried up, except for some large accounts that are not able to pay me yet due to the economy and I was left with an empty bank account and no quick way to put more in.  My car insurance was late and now due and no income to pay it, so I just kept on working on the new project knowing that eventually money would be there from the project. In the mean time my car insurance was canceled, ouch!

At first I panicked, this was bad. Then I took a deep breath (remembered my favorite light switch; “be still and know

that I am God…” Psalms 46:10 – flipped the switch…) and ask God what I should do about that. The answer was immediate, it is not wrong not to be able to pay for something when you are doing the best you can, what actions you chose to take make it right or wrong.

Okay, so if I didn’t have insurance that meant I could not drive my cars… not a problem, I live in a town that has a great bus system – comes right to where my office is and near home.  I started walking more and taking the bus.  Strange thing is that I was having a great time; I could walk really fast, it was good exercise, I got lots of work done on the bus while riding to and from work, I met nice people and I lived on a better schedule.

Ellen (my daughter) and I were talking about how to live our lives in truth – she gave me an example that she uses with the girls (Jasmine 8 and Maaliyah 6); Jasmine loves everyone and she had a new friend that she met at school and an old friend who did not like to new one.  This disturbed Jasmine (after-all she loves them both) – Ellen told Jasmine to be herself (love and be kind to them both) and the rest would work out.



WOW – that is so profound, be who you are and the rest will take care of itself…  I AM WHO I AM… Exodus 3:14 ESV Jasmine played with both girls, treated them the same and eventually they all become friends.

What is the TRUTH for you? How is it easier to live in truth? Why does it make you free?


PS Not to worry about my insurance… as with so many things these days, I asked God what I was supposed to do about that and my Dad called.  He was proud of what I was working on and sent me a check to help me cover expenses while I build the company.  Who would have thought of this?? Oh yeah, my God…